Wednesday, 11 August 2004
Its me again (and again and again)
Now Playing: I have no idea what its called.
Topic: Life is Still a Bitch
Hey. I have been up forever. Its 10:20 a.m. It feels more like P.M. I wish it was. I wish I could just sleep and sleep and sleep. I can't though. I'm an insomniac. Sometimes I get so bad no medication works. I eat the pills and still stay up all night and all day and all night. Sometimes I stay up so long I get high like a crank buzz. My shrink doesn't prescribe narcotics. I need some damn very potent some kind of some shit. Don't you think? Sounds like it to me. I doubt anybody but me is even reading this shit. I just asked mom for some headphones so I can listen to my music. I like it loud as hell and the t.v bothers me being in the background like that and I'll get very irritated the first time mom says to turn the damn thing down. I don't have anyone to talk to. I have bill collectors calling but who the hell wants to talk to them? I just saw on t.v a woman who can right with both hands at the same time, frontwards and backwards. I'll try that in a minute. I took a poetry quiz this morning and found out I am a poetic smarty. Cool. It said I had a lot of experience writing and had developed my own poetic style and what not. I'm proud of it. I can't help it. I can't do shit else. ;-) I guess I'll go. I ate a Hershey bar and I think I'm going to throw it up. Yuck. Sometimes I could eat a hundred of them and sometimes one makes me sick as hell. I think I'll go try to promote my site. I use to get a lot of visitors but don't really anymore. I don't go trampsing around the net like I use to do. I think I will. Yeah. Ok. Here I go. Oh hell. Get busy. Lah de dah. Damn I am getting so bored. I'll probably right something else later. See ya. :-)
Posted by princessgwyn
at 10:27 AM EDT
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